Saturday, 12 October 2013

Baby essentials

When I had my first I was given so much stuff for her, it was unreal. I can safely say that most never got used and was a waste of money. So I thought maybe I'd pop what I felt was a good purchase and what wasn't on here. After all I've not got much to blog about lately and anything that pops into my head is a good as anything.

So here we go, first up:

As with most new parents you get a ton of baby clothes that, in honesty, you don't need. With my first I was given so much 0-3 month clothes that she hardly wore most of them and I felt pretty bad about that. I'd suggest that you tell people what to buy. With my other two I said to some to get 0-3 and to others 3-6. Obviously some people will automatically get different sizes for you and that is great! I found that in the first few weeks or so my babies always stayed in baby sleep suits, its comfortable and warm.
Most people have atleast 6 sleep suits, 6 baby vests, 2x mittens (as babies scratch their faces), 2x hats (as they lose heat quickly), 3 or 4 pairs of socks, bibs (you'll need these more so at 3-6 months when they dribble like mad! I have 10 bibs!), 2 x jackets or coats, a snow suit (for winter).
I can safely say I never used shoes during the 0-6 months period for every one of my babies but it's what people prefer I guess. I just didn't see the point, they grow so quick and I never got use out of them. I think if anything, during winter would be the only time I maybe used a pair.

I love the baby sleeping bags and they don't cost too much either. My mum got us our from a place called B & M for £6.99. The sleeping bag we got was This one, it's 2.5tog and keeps them lovely and warm. My lad always kicks his blankets off so I found this so helpful! You can also buy them for summer time but I've never gotten them, it's so hot I never needed a sheet most of the time.
If you buy blankets, cellular are brilliant they have little holes to allow the baby to be warm but not too hot. A lot of people bought us those fluffy baby blankets, which are great for the pram but I've never used them at bed time.

I have about 4 dummies. Now don't get me wrong you may not need them as not every baby likes them or needs them. My son liked to fall asleep with a dummy and still does. It started when I breastfed, I'd think he was hungry again but he was just tired and wanted to fall asleep like that.
I have 4 because it's amazing how easily these things go walkies, I've lost one in the house somewhere.

Baby bath:
You don't technically need one of these. If you have a sink big enough then just use that. I don't and the bath is just too low for me to lean over and hold him in so I have the baby bath. It has a top and tail bowl which I've only used a handful of times. These are brilliant and you can get them second hand as they aren't used much after the first 6 months.

You need one with lots to see and do. I have one that is quite simple, with a few toys hanging down. It's ok, he will lay there but he gets bored very easily. My friend has one with a mirror, a singing caterpiller and lots of dangly toys, this one is  brilliant and keeps both our boys entertained, so just look before you buy.

Baby sling:
Both my boys have ben very needy and with other children to feed and look after it's not the best. I bought a sling that wraps around you, it holds him snugly and relaxes him. I have used it quite a bit when I needed to cook tea or even put the washing out without leaving him to ball his eyes out as I hate doing that.
A good sling is one from newborn, you'll use it more during those first months as they get far to heavy after that.

For after their injections, always have calpol on hand.
Olbas oil- I have this for when my lad has a blocked nose, since you can't get a baby to blow their nose! It'll help them sleep a bit better.

Changing station:
Most useless thing I've ever had, it was upstairs and barely got used. The only thing I did use it for was after bath times. I use a changing mat downstairs but I find I just change him on my lap or on the sofa, if anything my travel mat gets more use.

Door bouncer:
My son loved his but got very excited in it, he always ended up with a bump on his head. With my current baby we have opted for a Jumperoo. I'm not buying it at full price as its a ridiculous price at that but instead getting it second hand for £40. Still pricey but worth it in my opinion.

I have had the same cot bed for all three of my children and its fantastic. I've always loved the height adjustment and the sides being removed to make a toddler bed. The toddler bed lasted my last son til he was two, then I put him in a single bed but he could have easily slept in it longer.

One thing you will definitely need as a new mum and dad is:

- Patience - Babies cry quite a bit, they can't tell you what's wrong which leaves you the task of figuring it out! Sore tummies, a trapped burp, nappy too wet, feeling hungry and tiredness are just a few of the things it could be.

You'll need to get used to the idea of possibly leaving the house with baby sick on you, the chance that you will always be late as your baby decides to fill their nappy as you leave and your social life taking a bit of a hit for a little while.

I love being  mum, I have three now and wouldn't change it for the anything. Becoming a parent is so rewarding and over time as they change you have this little person that can be a pain in the ass but ultimately will love you more than anyone else will (until puberty at least :P)

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